The 8 Best Dates_peliplat
The 8 Best Dates_peliplat

The 8 Best Dates (2016)

12+ (RU) | Ukraine, Russia | Russian | 100 min
Directed by: Marius Vaysberg

One sunny day, Nikita, who owns a successful veterinary clinic, learns that he is terminally ill. Unaware that this is merely a medical mistake, he serious ponders: who will take care of his beautiful wife, children, and business? The sad thought occurs that it's time to look for his replacement. So after a rigorous selection process, he chooses Ilya, a reliable man with no bad habits, and begins a cover operation code-named "swap." And when Nikita learns that his health is not in danger, it's too late--his chosen replacement loves everyone, including veterinary patients, and everyone loves him. The struggle for life and love is just beginning.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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