Another News Story_peliplat
Another News Story_peliplat

Another News Story (2017)

12A (GB) | UK | English | 86 min
Directed by: Orban Wallace

Set amid the global news-storm of September 2015, when the worldwide press descended on the refugees to cover their migration across Europe, Another News Story looks beyond the headlines to tell the stories of both the news teams and refugees who have undertaken this journey. As the film pans out you understand the story is an intimate display of what life is really like for both the migrants and the reporting journalists. It travels the fine line very carefully between criticism and emotional blackmail allowing the viewer to begin to understand how it is that these two juxtaposed roles coexist in such a tragic and unfathomable situations. The film follows in particular the stories of three characters. Johny and Bruno the news characters you meet at the beginning and Mahasen a Syrian woman, travelling with a family of 9, in a bid to reunite with her children. Set against the backdrop of the archive news reports which guide the narrative, we follow the story as it sweeps across the Balkans and into Europe in the race to get to Germany. The film focuses on the main news flash points of the month where the mass migration was headline news. Through our characters and the other news journalists we meet the audience will learn, how much more there is to every story when the news cameras turn off. The film follows through our characters to directly after when the Paris attacks have happened and the news rhetoric has changed against the refugees. The film provides the context for the beginning of the populist move to the right and the role the news has played within this.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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