Where Is Hope: The Art of Murder_peliplat
Where Is Hope: The Art of Murder_peliplat

Where Is Hope: The Art of Murder (2015)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 69 min
Directed by: Emmitt H. Thrower

Two police murders in California involving two victims with mental disabilities leaves one mother childless, depressed and suicidal and the other woman, an artist, feeling abandoned, lost and suffering from PTSD after her experiencing the bloody killing of her best friend in her home by police. Both women struggle with the aftermath of the police shooting in different ways. At the same time they deal with their trauma induced disabilities as each actively participates in the task of trying to change the conditions that is the constant source of their pain. They battle everyday to find justice and closure.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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