Combat and war flashbacks shown in flashes in the beginning.
There's a violent torture scene at the beginning where a man gets stabbed a few times in his arms with a knife.
A man angrily shoots another man many times in the chest, and bloody holes are seen.
A man shoots a newscaster in the head, and then shoots two others in the head. Blood is seen.
A large part of a stadium is destroyed in a massive explosion.
A woman pistol-whips a man and woman.
A woman is shot and killed at close range in a newsroom.
There's a large-scale motorcycle chase through the stadium, and guns are fired. One man s knocked off his motorcycle by a fire extinguisher.
Two men get into a brutal fight in an elevator, and one of them shoots the other in the head and blood spatters everywhere.
A man gets into a fight in a kitchen with one man, using his gun as a weapon, and then a brutal fist fight with another man immediately after. He cuts off several fingers on the first man, and the man's dismembered fingers, as well as his finger-less hand, are seen, and then during the second fight, a man is stabbed in the neck. A fourth man is also set on fire during this scene.
There's a large shootout in a hallway, and one man is hit in the head with a blood spurt visible. A man throws C4 into the hallway and soots it, causing a massive explosion that kills the other attackers.
A helicopter shoots at several bad guys on the stadium roof, and Michael shoots two men in the chest and kills them. He gets into a brutal fight with a man and then a woman, and finally falls from the roof but saves himself.
A man and woman get into a brutal fight that ends when both fall through a roof and the woman is violently impaled on a pole.
A man shoots a man in the chest in an office and kills him.
R violence type: blood, brutal and graphic.
Strong violence.