
Clafoutis (2013)

None | Netherlands | Dutch |
Directed by: Jonathan Elbers

A man finds himself at the gate to heaven. He is surprised. He's too young to die. It's not yet his time to go. There must have been a mistake. He wants to go back to his life. The gatekeeper asks him if maybe something happened to him why he had to go to heaven. The man denies it, but when the gatekeeper keeps on asking about the previous day, there appears to be a thing with the man's sister. The man keeps on denying something happened to justify him being at the gate to heaven. But in a flashback we see what really happened. The gatekeeper witnessed the man trying to poison his sister, because she wanted him out of her business. The gatekeeper was just in time to switch the glasses so the man poisoned himself. The man realizes know he did something terribly wrong and he's willing to accept the punishment of early death.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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