Return of a Son_peliplat
Return of a Son_peliplat

Return of a Son (1977)

None | Soviet Union | Russian | 73 min
Directed by: Sharip Beisembayev

The war separated the Russian woman Yevdokia for a long time from her son. He was raised and raised by a Kazakh woman, Rabiga. In Kazakhstan, Sergey found a home, relatives, work, his family. - Thirty-seven years later, Yevdokia sought out his son. Warm and welcoming was their meeting on the Kazakh land. Then they went home together. Rabiga insisted on this: the son's duty is to be with the mother who gave him life. Sergey procured permission to build a new house for his mother, and Kazakh brothers and Russian relatives helped to set it up. Yevdokia is happy, but not for long: a stressed heart could not stand the joy. Sapar will live in the new house, who arrived in the village with Sergey and fell in love with the Russian girl Tonya here. They will continue those good family ties.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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