Young men talk about touching touching girls' genitals and how it makes them feel. One comments to the other "you could blow me," sounding almost like an invitation; his friend treats it like a joke.
Coworker asks young man if he masturbates.
Taking a shower, young man momentarily has a memory of being in a shower and a boy approaches him to kiss him. He later tells someone his best friend is probably gay and had a crush on him.
Young man is drinking beer and pays a prostitute to give him a blow job. He removes his T-shirt and sits on the side of a bathtub. You hear her unzip his jeans and see the top of her head move up and down. He climaxes, dresses and leaves while commenting "that's it; that's it?" Only nudity is his chest.
At night, young man and woman sit in his truck talking. She takes his hand and puts it between her legs. He unzips her pants. She pants and moans, instructs him and kisses him. No nudity. Framing is very tight and sound is only indicator.
Young man must lift his naked mother from the bathtub. No nudity is shown.