Vers la forêt de nuages_peliplat
Vers la forêt de nuages_peliplat

Vers la forêt de nuages (2016)

None | France, Côte d'Ivoire | French |
Directed by: Robin Hunzinger

It's departure time. Eight- year-old Timothée the little half-blood, is getting ready to take the plane to Africa... Although on his mother's side the family is from this continent, he knows it only through tales of witches and elephants. He travels there with his 31-year-old mother Aya. She's taking him with her to Ivory Coast despite the ongoing war because she wants to visit her father's grave and reestablish contact with her family. Robin, Timothée's father and Aya's husband, films them on their long initiatory Journey to the land of the family ancestors during which mother and son both experience moments of belonging and moments of alienation.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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