Sur les traces de Lygia Clark, souvenirs et évocations des ses années parisiennes_peliplat
Sur les traces de Lygia Clark, souvenirs et évocations des ses années parisiennes_peliplat

Sur les traces de Lygia Clark, souvenirs et évocations des ses années parisiennes (2011)

None | Italy | French | 26 min
Directed by: Paola Anziché, Irene Dionisio

Between 1970 and 1975, Lygia Clark, a Brazilian painter and sculptress who was one of the founders of the Grupo Frente - the collective which revolutionized the world of the plastic arts in the mid-1950s - was asked to hold a series of lessons about sign language, entitled The Gesture and Communication, at the Sorbonne in Paris. Using material from the time, colleagues, artists, photographers and gallery owners reconstruct that experience and their relationship with the work and the person.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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