Breaking the Silence_peliplat
Breaking the Silence_peliplat

Breaking the Silence (2015)

PG (AU) | Australia | English | 56 min
Directed by: Danny Ben-Moshe

'Breaking the Silence', from the producer and director of ABC's award-winning 'Code of Silence', unfolds in three main acts: the explosive revelations from the Royal Commission; the dramatic fallout, in which several rabbis resign, one rabbi is de-listed while others stubbornly cling to their posts; and following Manny Waks's trail to Israel, where his father has relocated; then to New York, where he confronts his second perpetrator, hoping to close the book on this horrific scandal, and finally to Los Angeles to come face to face with a convicted perpetrator who fled Sydney.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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