Perfectly Flawed_peliplat
Perfectly Flawed_peliplat

Perfectly Flawed

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A neighborhood dark and cynical to the average person has been the norm for Sugar Reyes, (40's), before she awakens from the nightmare in which she has lived. A path she chose for survival finally comes to an end one rainy night when a tragic event takes place in a nearby alley. The beginning of tribulation. Sugar's feisty attitude, domineering to many, is a major flaw she has yet to overcome. It would be a cold day in hell before Sugar would have ever thought she'd run into the man that helped to pay for her daughter's college education from all the money he put in her garter belt, so many years ago. But lo and behold, he walks into the Church of Deliverance as the newly appointed Deacon Wilson (40's). A face so familiar to Sugar, but he pretends to have memory loss (unlike his wife, who is more than happy to condemn Sugar regarding her past transgressions- Sister Wilson (40's) is definitely an example of the pot calling the kettle black, with a closet full of skeletons soon to be exposed.) Sugar's faith in God is challenged when a home invasion takes place during her daughter's bridal shower. The women are held at gun point as the men demand to see her son Ty (20's). After the men depart, Sugar knows that this is just the beginning of a serious ordeal. This life altering situation brings about touching and humorous change. Sugar's relationship with some members from the church become even more estranged than before, and the Pastor and Elders' hands are full dealing with the flesh of their flock falling short of the glory of God. Secrets, gossip, and lies may well be the destruction of many at the Church of Deliverance.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Perfectly Flawed
(Original title)
Perfectly Flawed
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes