
Disha (2016)

Not Rated (US) | Canada, India | Marathi | 103 min
Directed by: Sainath Parab

Young and ambitious Software engineer Hemant (Abhishekh Aanand) while developing an interactive Operating System (OS) for blind people, falls in love with a blind school teacher Sangeeta (Prajakta Wadaye). Although blind, Sangeeta has some special abilities, which Hemant tries to incorporate in his OS named DISHA. Despite the warnings from friends, roommate--Aaditi (Neha Shitole) Hemant marries Sangeeta. Hemant, an idealist and good at heart person, is slightly obsessed with his idea of success. A need of materialistic success and recognition gets mixed with human emotions that lead to an imbalance and disturbance in their lives. Nature and life have their own course of growth; Success has its own cost. Will technology be able to replace human emotions? Film tries to explore few questions about life, dreams, emotions, growth, reality, and consequences.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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