Dr. Weird_peliplat
Dr. Weird_peliplat

Dr. Weird (2016)

None | Australia | English | 22 min
Directed by: Robert Fantozzi

Meet Robert Reid. When he's not a humble 'Mild-Mannered-Media-Man' who loves alliteration, he is the not so humble superhero: Dr. Weird. The self proclaimed 'Greatest Superhero in Urb City'. Protecting it's many helpless citizens from the likes of terrifying purse snatchers and eyepatch wearing super villains. But no fearsome villain has tested Dr. Weird as much as the challenge currently at his feet. An awkward as hell dinner date. It's not weird unless you make it weird, but Dr. Weird just can't help himself. It's going to take more than heroics to win the heart of the charming Ellie Eddison, but has Dr. Weird gotten that message? Will the weirdness end before this date spirals into complete and utter chaos? Some challenges are too great.... even for Dr. Weird.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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