How I Got There_peliplat
How I Got There_peliplat
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How I Got There (2022)

None | Kuwait, Saudi Arabia | English, Arabic | 135 min
Directed by: Zeyad Alhusaini

When two friends dabbling in the illegal alcohol trade find a cache of stolen guns, they see a once in a lifetime opportunity to get rich quick. How I Got There is a dramatic action thriller, the first of its kind to be set in the Arabian Gulf, that takes the audience along with its naive protagonists on a wild, nonlinear, ride through a murky world of arms dealers, terrorists, mercenaries and small-time gangsters. The film shows a colorful high energy version of modern Kuwait - a melting pot of peoples and cultures with a thriving rap scene. How I Got There is an intimate story about a man's journey to self-realization through inevitable self-destruction, set against a gritty reality, fast pace, humorous social commentary, and innovative action.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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