A man is killed with a hammer, his smashed in head is shown
A Man is shot in the head, blood splatters on the wall behind him
A Woman shoots a man in the cheek, Knocks him out with an oar, ties him to an anchor and then tries to drown him
A man strangles a woman to death and she rips his cheeks off with her nails to fight back
A man with an axe is chasing a woman when he finally catches up to her the man axes her in the chest and an unrealistic amount of blood spews out
Somebody hiding in the back of a man's car wraps a rope around a mans neck and pulls until he dies,
A man shoots a woman in the back, blood is seen coming from her mouth
A man throws an axe and it hits another man in the back, some blood is shown
A Man is Shot and blood pools around him as they drag his body
A Man shoots another man in the backseat of his car, bloody bullet holes are shown on his body
At the beginning of the film a woman wakes up on the floor with scratches and bruises on her possibly implying abuse
A woman rips open a mans cheek with her nails, she is trying to defend herself against a man strangling her