The Real Thing_peliplat
The Real Thing_peliplat

The Real Thing (1953)

U (GB) | UK | English | 3 min
Directed by: Ralph Thomas

Sir Walter Raleigh is soaked with a jug of wine when a servant trips. In a different scene the camera focuses on a calendar showing the date Friday 13th. Dora Bryan struggles to make breakfast quickly as she is late. She clumsily knocks over things and burns her toast. She relaxes with an after breakfast cigarette, blowing smoke into the camera. She attends a job interview, the reason she was in a hurry, and is equally clumsy at the offices. The Staff Manager interviewing her offers a cigarette and calms her down, and then offers more to the audience, flinging them at the camera.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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