The Magic Dust_peliplat
The Magic Dust_peliplat

The Magic Dust

None | USA | English | 90 min
Directed by: Richard Culver
This title has not premiered yet

The Magic Dust explores common concepts of love, tragedy and intrigue against the backdrop of an uncommon world, based loosely on Escher's Relativity, where multi-dimensional planes of existence converge and influence the lives of the inhabitants. Interacting on 3 planes of gravity, that are duplicated in a parallel universe, the characters in the story must grapple with the consequences of disturbing the natural balance of things in their perfect world of duplicity. When this perfect balance is disturbed it affects these characters in unexpected ways. And they must learn to deal with the tragic events that come as a result.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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