The Other Half of the Sky - Stories of Chinese Businesswomen_peliplat
The Other Half of the Sky - Stories of Chinese Businesswomen_peliplat

The Other Half of the Sky - Stories of Chinese Businesswomen (2016)

None | Switzerland | Chinese, English | 80 min
Directed by: Patrik Soergel

They are four of the most successful businesswomen in China: belonging to a generation who experienced the austerity of China's cultural revolution, followed by the subsequent economic boom, they have worked their way to the very top in a patriarchal society. Today, Yang Lan is the owner of one of the leading private media companies. Dong Mingzhu is a tenacious female CEO, heading up the world's largest manufacturer of air conditioning systems. Zhang Lan is a tycoon in the luxury restaurant business. Zhou Yi is a top manager working for a big american IT company. How were these careers built? What are the social and economic contexts in which they operate? The film takes an intense and unique look at the mentalities of female executives, and explores the huge transformation taking place in China today.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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