Who Is the First?_peliplat
Who Is the First?_peliplat

Who Is the First? (1950)

None | Soviet Union | Russian | 10 min
Directed by: Boris Dyozhkin, Gennadiy Filippov

The animation film in comic form shows the sporting struggle in the bicycle race between the forest animals: the Toptygin brothers, the Bunny and the Fox. After a long, exhausting struggle, the Bunny took the lead, however, prematurely fed up with the victory, shamefully loses the match: after detachment from the opponents the Bunny decides to rest lying under a tree , then bathes (right in the bicycle form - a T-shirt and shorts), forgets to control the time and loses the championship in the race.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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