A man gets his head brutally smashed in, chunks of his face can be seen splattered around the floor.
A man is killed by a grenade in an enclosed space, chunks of his corpse fly around.
Several men are killed by a remotely triggered bomb, graphic depictions of their charred, dismembered corpses.
During a struggle a man has his leg cut into by an electric saw, a large amount of blood sprays out of the wound.
Excessively gory knife fights throughout resulting in severed limbs and arterial sprays.
A man is clubbed to death with a pool ball, there is a prolonged shot of blood gushing out of his mangled face.
A brutal fight between two female characters results in one woman ripping off her own partially severed finger.
A woman is stabbed and her intestines fall out, she finally dies after her arm is broken and slashed lengthwise from wrist to elbow with a knife and stabbed in the neck
A couple of shotgun deaths resulting in mangled faces.
The final fight scene involves a man being stabbed through the cheek with a box cutter knife, he survives and wins the fight by stabbing his opponent in the neck.
Dead bodies sprawled across the floor in many scenes, in the aftermath of epic martial arts battles.
The violence is insanely bloody and gruesome and VERY realistic
TV-MA violence type: blood, gore, brutal and graphic.
Level of violence: 10/10. Extremely violent and gory.
Extreme graphic grisly violence.