Skewe Reënboog_peliplat
Skewe Reënboog_peliplat

Skewe Reënboog (2015)

None | South Africa | Afrikaans, English | 23 min
Directed by: Wim Steytler

Willem is trapped in Rainbow Nation idealism. He lives as a hermit in Santarama Miniland - an abandoned miniature-museum of bygone South African glory days and American idols. Willem slavishly follows the same routine day in and day out working on a huge plastic rainbow and the upkeep of a mini replica of the Union Buildings. One night, as Willem draws the five-hundredth depiction of his hero Madiba, he is attacked and knocked unconscious, and his Madiba-portraits as well as his treasured rainbow are destroyed.He decides to ask for Madiba's help and undertakes a disillusioning journey to the real Union Buildings in Pretoria, the official seat of South Africa's government. There, Willem discovers that Madiba has died. His demands to see and talk to President Zuma are violently rejected and tragedy follows. "Crooked Rainbow" reflects how South Africans allowed themselves to be swept up in Rainbow Nation idealism and how this betrayed opportunities for true transformation and true reconciliation.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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