Songs from Maidichong_peliplat
Songs from Maidichong_peliplat

Songs from Maidichong (2016)

None | China | Chinese | 82 min
Directed by: Jie Hu

Maidichong is a village of minority people in Chuxiong county, central mountain area of YunNan province, China. In 1905, British missionary Samuel Polland (1864-1915) came here. He started to create the writing language of Miao minority, build school, and translate Bible into Miao. What he has done totally changed the original religion of local, and dramatically changed the hard living condition and spiritual state of Miao people. Even during 1949-1978, Communist government kept trying to turn their Christian belief to communism by consistent political movements. Local elders and priests eventually kept their faith. Wang Zhiming became one of the 10 greatest martyrs in 20th century, whose statue is now in the Westminster Abbey , UK.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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