My Liza_peliplat
My Liza_peliplat

My Liza (2016)

None | Russia | Russian | 47 min
Directed by: Salomeya Bauer

Neo-Orthodox «neo-Christmas». Liza (friends call her «Madonna») is an attractive beast stuck in an obsessive dream of becoming an actress, waits for the baby to be born. She is outside of moral norms: «Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal» is not about her. Liza desperately longs for a chance to fall into temptation. And there is nobody wise and mature who can symbolize god for her. Her father is like a serpent, who tempts her to live only for herself. Her mother is already living that way. Zhenya, father of the child, is ready to do everything for Liza and hopes that they still can form a family. But Liza is under the influence so far.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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