Zenska, 2.del_peliplat
Zenska, 2.del_peliplat

Zenska, 2.del (2016)

None | Slovenia | Slovenian | 52 min
Directed by: Majda Sirca

Documentary films Woman are historical, interpretative essays about the struggles for women's rights on the territory of today's Slovenia, outlining the long walk towards equality, economic independence and the power over one's own body. They speak of movements in support of women's right to vote, the right to education, to work, to equal pay, to reproductive choice, in support of civil union, and of elimination of social inequality. They focus on the image of mother, the roles of teachers, entrepreneurs, women in wartime, and most notably women in the time of Socialism, foregrounding courageous, too often unrecognized acts.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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