During a sequence, a gun shot is heard. Later, a man runs in informing the main character that his brother is dead.
A man kidnaps another man, he attempts to force the man to kill himself as his brother watches.
Two men pass a revolver back and forth trying to decide who's life is more valuable.
A main character attempts to shoot himself in the head, but misses, shooting off his ear.
After shooting his ear off, blood is seen dripping down a man's face, he screams in pain and collapses.
A man holds a revolver to his head with his hand on the trigger.
In a story, told by a character, a man kills himself.
During a fight, the main character points a revolver at his brother's head. Later his brother points the gun at him, he says he would wish nothing more than to die by his brother's hand.
A man is beaten in an alley and left to die. He survives.
Gun shots are heard in the background during a sequence, moments later the characters are informed another character has been killed.
A man lashes out at his brother, attempting to strike him. He decides against it, the other character is unaware of this.
A man smashes another man's head on an alter. Another character informs the man he should not kill the man yet.
Blood is seen dripping down a man's hand after he cut it and smeared his own blood across a painting.
A man is tied to a cross and later has his arms broken.
During a scene, a man is kidnapped, beaten and eventually has his dominant hand broken.
A man is kicked out of party and is beaten in an alleyway.
One of the main characters cuts his hand on a canvas and smears the blood across the painting.