At the very beginning of the film a woman watches her friends being tortured. Nothing is really seen other than their feet dangling from the air while hanging.
A woman remembers when her father died of a heart attack. She then apparently tries to commit suicide afterward by slitting her wrists. A small amount of blood is seen.
A woman tries fleeing intruders and is shot at. She falls to the ground implying that she's been hit. No blood is seen.
A woman is held by the throat with a rope. It is implied that one of her female friends is forced to oral rape her.
A man's stomach is seen sliced open with an intestine hanging out of it. Lots of blood is seen on the ground.
Two women are seen hanging by their necks being slowly choked.
A woman hits a man with a brick knocking him out. A few moments later she hits another man with a brick, also knocking him out.
A woman hits a man in the face with a gun.
A man is shot in the leg. Some blood is seen.
A woman is shot in the abdomen with an arrow and killed.
A severed head is seen.
A man is shot in the chest with a crossbow. Some blood is seen in his mouth.
A woman is shot in the chest and dies.
A woman shoots a man in the chest. Brief blood splatter is seen.
A man saves his daughter from drowning but then has a heartache and dies. The scene switches to the daughter later having slit her wrist with some blood, but she does not die.
41:50 a member of the blue man group, strangles a woman.
35:16 a papa smurf holding a ruger p90 shoots a woman in the back. Now she has a bullet AND daddy issues. Tough break.
1:02:25 Woke Wolverine is torchured.
Guy Fieri walked like a dog. 1:04:56