To Die For_peliplat
To Die For_peliplat

To Die For (2016)

None | USA | English | 8 min
Directed by: Clark Ivers

Arlin Franger is a young scavenger who is depressed and suicidal after losing her family. She wants to end her life, but is unable to because the US Department of Extinction Prevention (D.E.P.) needs able bodied people to help rebuild the human race in the post-apocalyptic world. After attempting to kill herself, Theodore Thomas, the executive administrator for the D.E.P. gives Arlin the offer to die in an experiment meant to purify the air and give the human race a second chance at living on the earth's surface. Arlin agrees to the plan but as soon as she is set free attempts to kill herself again, only Theodore's words and the last memory of Arlin's younger sister stops her from carrying out the act. She then journeys to the old D.E.P. lab and with her sister's necklace in hand sacrifices herself in honor of her family. Arlin's choice to die not for her own sorrow but for the hope of those still living manifests in a new future for humanity when experiment succeeds and the air is purified. Arlin is the last in among countless test subjects who for the chance that others may live.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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