Blues Before Sunrise_peliplat
Blues Before Sunrise_peliplat

Blues Before Sunrise (2016)

12A (GB) | UK | English | 50 min
Directed by: Cyrus T. Hayley, Alex J.R. Nielsen

'Blues Before Sunrise' is a documentary that captures a few of the remaining authentic Delta Bluesmen and their intensely personal and powerful music. Their roots lead directly back to Robert Johnson, Howl'n Wolf, Muddy Waters, and a time when pick'n cotton under the radiating heat of the southern United States sky birthed what we now call the blues. The film is shot without a presenter, the narrative is told entirely through the experiences and stories of each legend interjected only with shots of the landscape. Whether using four-string diddley bows made of recycled tool boxes, or a harmonica picked from a box littered with old dusty and worn down pieces of metal, the humanity and passion of the music encompasses the milky, raw, and organic sounds that changed the world forever.

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