Wanton Mee_peliplat
Wanton Mee_peliplat

Wanton Mee (2015)

PG (SG) | Singapore | English | 71 min
Directed by: Eric Khoo

Chun Feng Koh, a middle-aged food critic whose career is starting to wear him out, decides to explore his life and the development of Singapore through the local food. His patience is tested by the fact that the newspaper he works for is jumping on the digital bandwagon. However, the camcorder his company give him to supplement his reviews with visuals proves to be a blessing in disguise. Koh begins to take the camcorder with him to local food stalls and amasses the stall owners' stories. Hidden within them is the history of how their Singaporean dishes were created.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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