Code of Survival_peliplat
Code of Survival_peliplat

Code of Survival (2017)

0 (DE) | Germany | German, English | 95 min
Directed by: Bertram Verhaag

Worldwide, millions of tons of "Roundup", with its active ingredient glyphosate, are applied to the land year after year. The alarming consequences: poisoned soils, resistant superweeds, contaminated crops and sick livestock. Nonetheless, especially the United States adhere to the destructive model of GM-agriculture. Three sustainable projects in India, Egypt and Germany prove that alternatives are achievable and successful. In an impressive montage we confront the effects of the poison-addicted industrial model, with the healing power of organic agriculture. Which method bears the CODE OF SURVIVAL on our planet?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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