Bound by Heart_peliplat
Bound by Heart_peliplat

Bound by Heart (2016)

Tous publics (FR) | France | French | 90 min
Directed by: Régis Musset

It's been seven years now that Jocelyn and Gaëlle met, fell in love, and have been raising Jocelyn's son Hugo and Gaëlle's daughter Lilou as their own. The two children also consider themselves brother and sister - basically a normal family, like millions of others. Except that Gaëlle and Jocelyn have been living without any legal documents sealing their relationship. When Jocelyn dies in a car accident, Gaëlle unwittingly unleashes forces that had previously been held at bay: the blood ties connecting young Hugo with his father's family, and a legal system that processes love and relations like commodities. Hugo's family wants the boy, and the law is on their side. Gaëlle, however, is ready to fight - against the boy's family and even against the judicial system. For a brave little boy, his sister and the woman he loves like his mother, it's the beginning of a drama that need not end as such.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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