The Oka Legacy_peliplat
The Oka Legacy_peliplat

The Oka Legacy (2015)

None | Canada | English |
Directed by: Sonia Bonspille Boileau

In the summer of 1990, all eyes were on the small town of Oka, Quebec. Triggered by plans to expand a golf course on ancestral land, it was a standoff between the Mohawk people of Kanehsatake, the police and eventually the army. The Oka Crisis, which lasted 78 days and drew worldwide attention, had a profound impact on Indigenous peoples in Canada. It set the tone for Indigenous resistance throughout the '90s, and inspired many people and communities to take action. The Oka Crisis Legacy is a POV documentary that explores how the Oka Crisis has influenced Indigenous identity in Canada. This film will show just how crucial the events of that summer were in the shaping of contemporary Canada, where every facet of society is now influenced by a strong Aboriginal presence.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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