Love Is..._peliplat
Love Is..._peliplat

Love Is... (2017)

None | USA | English | 80 min
Directed by: Stan Harrington

Everyone wants love. Everyone craves love. Everyone deserves love; but how each person defines love, varies greatly. When Nick and Maddie meet, their needs and cravings appear to be met. Nick misses work and spends his last penny to find new and unusual ways to entertain, Maddie and make her day. Maddie, an art history student and financially quote comfortable, has no idea that Nick, eventually loses his job due to his absences. Finally, Nick, who works for his father, takes extra shifts and works like a dog, not merely to keep funding their adventures, but to save up for a special surprise for the girl who stole his heart. Tragically, the fabric of their relationship begins to fray as Nick begins to come home more and more exhausted and unable to keep up with Maddie. Spending many of their nights at home, Maddie begins to get restless and interprets Nick's lethargy as complacency. A contentious fight ensues which culminates in a huge misunderstanding. Nick leaves. Both have conflicted feelings of what transpired. Maddie, angry at first, realizes that she never really gave him the opportunity to speak. Nick does not return and unable to deal with his absence, Maddie reaches out but to no avail. She tries to contact his best friend, Jo, but no one seems to know what happened to Nick. Maddie eventually sinks into a deep depression.The argument that causes their break-up highlights our at interpretations of love and each person requires from each other within the relationship.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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