La máquina del tiempo del cine aragonés_peliplat
La máquina del tiempo del cine aragonés_peliplat

La máquina del tiempo del cine aragonés (2016)

None | Spain | Spanish |
Directed by: Ismael Rubio

An Aragonese as Segundo de Chomón established the fundamental principles of Animation thanks to the invention of the crank passage. Aragon gave to the history of the cinema one of the most universal names, Luis Buñuel. Great directors, actors and technicians, as well as collectives, have given moments important to the history of cinema. For more than 100 years, Aragón has been and is a Land of Cinema, have been filmed infinity of films, diverse elements of exhibition have been created, for that reason and for many others motives, we want to show in a general way, the important combination of Aragon and cinema. Come and enjoy the CINEMA ARAGONES.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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