Der Fechtmeister_peliplat
Der Fechtmeister_peliplat

Der Fechtmeister (2014)

None | Austria | German | 27 min
Directed by: Christina Krug

Fencing master Stanislaw Krucinski has been working as a coach in Poland, Austria and Mexico for half a century. He has coached the Polish and Mexican national teams, and his students have won medals at Olympic Games and World Championships, among them the notorious Munich Olympic Games of 1972. In Stanislaw's words, two things stand at the centre of life: love and fight. Yet Stanislaw embodies the knightly ideals of honour and respect as few others do. With moustache, blade, humour and wisdom, this octogenarian fencing school director is upholding an ancient tradition. From a young jazz musician doing everything in his might to avoid becoming a fencer, he has transformed into one of the truest champions of the sport. Meet the last knight.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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