Natherine: Future Experience_peliplat
Natherine: Future Experience_peliplat

Natherine: Future Experience (2019)

None | USA | English | 22 min
Directed by: Rachel C. Wilson

Nat and Kat - the world's worst drug dealers - are cut off by their parents right at the cusp of their experimental band's rise to internet infamy. They're thousands of dollars in debt for their bad business investment - a huge brick of skunk weed. On top of all that, they are being fined $25,000 by the US government (a real thing!) for their use of real eagle feathers in their radically offensive culturally appropriative music video, shot by a fake shaman in a fake sweat lodge in Joshua Tree. When the rent is due on their luxury loft in DTLA, they must take in roommates to be able to stay: Gideon, an aspiring musician/comedian from Illinois, and Chloe, a successful Instagram model/philanthropist. Will they pay their rent and save their band and their pet hedgehog Kiki?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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