Lots of gunshots, people getting hit, stabbed, injured... Graphic and bloody violence overall.
There's a scene that involves a war battle where people get shot. Lots of corpses are shown.
Two characters have bloody injuries throughout the most part of the movie.
A man gets "cut in half by a shotgun" whilst another sustains a facial injury from the shrapnel which is on screen for the rest of the film.
A graphic scene of a man being stabbed occurs late in the film, it's prolonged and although nothing too gory other than a bloody knife is seen it's a fatal injury.
There's multiple references to a brutal murder reported through the news with a few brief images of covered corpses.
A man is shot from behind by a shotgun. Blood sprays and then we see his bloody body on the ground.
A woman is shot in the chest and bleeds out.
A man is hit in the face and body with a piece of wood that is on fire.
A character is struck forcefully by another with a bottle to the side of his head and is knocked out.
Two girls fight and one repeatedly slams her knee into the other girl's groin.
An intense scene occurs where a man makes two hostages play roulette to see which one will die. It ends with a character getting abruptly shot in the face.
A man kills five people in succession, shooting four of them in the head with large blood sprays. One of the dead bodies is scene up close with a bullet hole in his head and blood everywhere.
A girl stabs a man and he slowly bleeds to death. Very sad scene.
R violence type: blood, brutal and graphic.
Strong violence.