Behind Bars 2022_peliplat
Behind Bars 2022_peliplat

Behind Bars 2022

None | UK, USA | English |
Directed by: Jada Silverstein
This title has not premiered yet

Behind Bars is based on a true story. It follows a young gymnast training to compete at an elite level. In addition to the physical and mental strain common in gymnastics, she endures emotional, verbal, and narcissistic abuse from her coach. Cayley, our lead character, is going through a series of changes in her life. She has severe anxiety, which her coach (Ethan) disregards when it comes to her training and well-being. The support from her teammates begins to diminish, as Ethan makes Cayley out to be the cause of all of their struggles. Alexa is one of the only teammates who sticks by her, seeing past Ethan's malicious attempt to make Cayley the villain. Cayley, however, is too blinded by her dream to recognize that the relationship between her and her coach is detrimental to her well-being, until someone opens her eyes.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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