From the Western Frontier: Owning Your History_peliplat
From the Western Frontier: Owning Your History_peliplat

From the Western Frontier: Owning Your History (2017)

None | Australia | English | 26 min
Directed by: Kimberley Benjamin

18 year-old Brianne Yarran is a talented dancer and in her last year of high school. For her final year performance she decides to use her Nannas' story as the inspiration for her solo dance routine. Bree has always known that her three Nannas were part of the Stolen Generations but she never truly understood what this meant and how it impacted on their lives. To do their story justice and to create a powerful dance piece, she must go on a difficult journey to learn the truth of their experience.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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