Stouberman... agapi mou..._peliplat
Stouberman... agapi mou..._peliplat

Stouberman... agapi mou... (1987)

None | Greece | Greek | 75 min
Directed by: Pavlos Liaros

Enamoured of well-off widow Martha, ambitious suitor Periklis happily agrees to put his loyalty to the test for the unattainable woman of his dreams. As a result, Martha invites Periklis to her summer villa for a long month of challenges. The special guest will have to do the household chores, cook for her, and endure the quirky hostess' whims to win her heart. In the meantime, Martha's lovely niece Eleni and her uncultivated boyfriend Dimitris only complicate matters. But tolerance has limits. And as Periklis swallows his male pride, determined to prove he's not after Martha's money, a radical change shuffles the deck. Can't Martha see they are made for each other?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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