
Allurement (2016)

12A (GB) | UK | English | 12 min
Directed by: Sarah Maher

For centuries two witches; Gartha and Lerysa, have been fighting. Though both have forgotten the reason why. The reason doesn't even matter anymore to the stubborn, fiery, dark-haired witch; Gartha. Who is hell bent on destroying Lerysa once and for all - At whatever cost. Even her assistant June, a quirky steam-punk dressed chap (with no powers, and frightened of his mistress Gartha) begins to question Gartha's obsession with destroying Lerysa - Of course, Gartha ignores him, and goes ahead plotting her revenge. Lerysa on the other hand, could not be more opposite to Gartha. Sweet and innocent, never really a one to raise her voice, and lover of all things cute and pretty - She is just hoping that Gartha will eventually tire out. Secretly hoping that they can be friends like they used to be many centuries ago. But Gartha has other plans, and casts a power spell in hope to rid of her nemesis Lerysa once and for all - Revenge can be too sweet.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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