Sexo, Zombies Y Bret Michaels_peliplat
Sexo, Zombies Y Bret Michaels_peliplat

Sexo, Zombies Y Bret Michaels (2017)

None | Argentina | Spanish | 76 min
Directed by: Samot Marquez

Santiago is not the smoothest when it comes to girls. His best friend Gonzalo isn't either, but he has no problem with nonchalantly stealing Santiago's phone and arranging him a date with the Eastern-European diabolical chick he's been Faceboook-messaging with. Upon finding out, Santiago becomes enraged, but he can't refuse to seal his fate in a Mortal Kombat deathly match. Obviously, he loses, so he'll have to go on this date, unsuspecting that it will unleash the most bizarre, thrilling, out-of-tune adventure ever, where the 1950s fucks the 1980s, marries the 1970s and kills the 2010s. Oh, and there's zombies.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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