Zapruder the Time Intruder_peliplat
Zapruder the Time Intruder_peliplat

Zapruder the Time Intruder (2017)

None | USA | English | 12 min
Directed by: Ian Lewis

In this sci-fi action comedy, a time-traveling clone of Abraham Zapruder - the man who filmed JFK's assassination - arrives in Dallas, Texas on November 22nd, 1963. His mission is to stop Lee Harvey Oswald from committing one of the most infamous murders in world history, but he soon finds that changing the past is something he can't do alone, prompting him to team up with the Dallas Police Department's JD Tippit - another casualty at the hands of Oswald that day.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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