The Lost Share_peliplat
The Lost Share_peliplat

The Lost Share (2008)

None | Iran | Persian |
Directed by: Hasan Najafi

Zeinab is the name of an Azeri woman, who by relying on her historic and religious roots and with much suffering and hardship, has tried to be strong and to get families by these bitter times safe and sound. She has become so reliant that she is the emphasis point of her vulnerable fellowmen. After years of waiting, all of Zeinab's joy in life is the birth of her grandchild. The infant that their Russian doctor has given the good news of its coming to Tarlan, Zeinab's oldest son, and Sanam, her daughter-in-law. Followed by troubles in the birth of Sanam's child, it seems like again that all of the good days of Zeinab's family are coming to an end. Not only does the child have respiratory problems but he has not cried since he was born and no sound has been heard of him. Sanam has a problem with her uterus, and this delivery was a rare and impossible event. During this time, the prayers of those whom she has helped come to her aid. With the presence of these people who had suffered so much in the past, and whom Zeinab had sponsored and supported, gradually signs of improvement are seen in the newborn.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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