This movie contains severe violence and gore.
Four girls are killed by repeated torture through out the movie. It is said that their eyes were gouged out and their hair was plucked manually while they were alive followed by hammer attacks and brutal killing. Nothing is explicit. The corpses are covered and during postmortem, we see several scars of painful death part by part.
Very intense fight scenes with continuous attacks with iron pipes, fire extinguishers, hammers, metal chairs, rods, hammers and blades. Every fight scene carries a very intense BGM and can be too hurtful.
A girl is pounded hard with a hammer and it is shown with a little blur. A hammer's nail remover part is placed on a little girl's neck. A man is shot dead before getting beaten on his crotch with a log.
A man is continuously beaten on his feet with a cane. He seems to be shouting and crying. A voice record plays voice of a girl who was brutally tortured to death which is so intense.
Story is based on a serial killer hence you have red hot violence throughout the film.
In a scene of interrogation, A man only wearing his underwear , hands tied to his back , beaten severely in his feets using a thick cane. The whole scene takes place in the police station.