The way to La Soledad_peliplat
The way to La Soledad_peliplat

The way to La Soledad (2017)

None | Colombia | Spanish | 20 min
Directed by: John Edicson Agudelo Suarez

La Soledad is an abandoned village in which there are only three inhabitants: Alonso, the manager of the bus terminal that day by day occupies his job waiting for travelers to arrive, although 20 years ago no one arrives. Naranjo, the owner of the hotel Los Naranjos, who like Alonso, every day clean his hotel in the hope that some customer will arrive. And Beatriz, the wife of Alonso, who has already lost hope and spends all day sitting watching TV. Naranjo every day devotes part of his time to trying to fix an old and shabby bus that remains inert next to the terminal, but so far has not succeeded. One day Alonso notes that his friend is sick and after an argument with his wife decides to help him fix the bus, but in the morning, when he arrives enthusiastically at the hotel Los Naranjos realizes that his friend is already dead. He takes it to the cemetery and back, while crossing the old bridge, the boards break and Alonso falls into the water. Alonso wakes up without understanding what happened, but notice that the toolbox is next to him. The bus is fixed and at the least expected time the bus lights up alone. Alonso enters the bus but does not see anyone, then the bus starts to move and he scared tries to go to the exit, that's when Naranjo takes him by the arm and invites him to sit down. He simply tells her that just as he thought, he had to fix the bus. Alonso Abandon the town of La Soledad next to his friend Naranjo in the rickety bus.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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