Signs of an Affair_peliplat
Signs of an Affair_peliplat

Signs of an Affair (2017)

None | UK | British Sign Language | 28 min
Directed by: Louis Neethling

Flora has been married 'for better or worse' for 21 years and then, suddenly, one day her husband, Fred, tells her he doesn't want sugar in his tea anymore. Immediately she knows something's not right. Flora's growing suspicion about Fred's changed behaviour leads her to consult an on-online counsellor, to interrogate her in-laws and even become involved with a dodgy cafe owner. Misunderstandings and mayhem ensue as Flora becomes an amateur sleuth searching for the truth, but in the process, finds herself doing things she'd never dreamt of doing and going to places she never thought she would end up.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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