They Make You Grow a Beard_peliplat
They Make You Grow a Beard_peliplat

They Make You Grow a Beard (2017)

None | Ireland | English | 11 min
Directed by: Anthony Kinsella

One by one, Michael's unsuspecting friends are turning into something horrible, as a formidable and utterly insidious force has a strange effect on their facial hair. Little by little, the men are compelled to embrace the drastic and frightful change--no male human being, young or mature, is safe from harm. Someone is making them grow a beard; however, what happens if Michael and the rest of the world won't abide by the new norm? And, above all, what fate awaits those with a clean face who prefer shaving against the grain?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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