Tests 8_peliplat
Tests 8_peliplat

Tests 8 (2017)

None | Russia | Russian | 11 min
Directed by: Anton Bilzho, Dorji Galsanov, Dmitry Ryabikov, Anton Sokolov

Short stories shot by four different directors on 8 mm film. The first story by Dmitry Ryabikov is a real field test for a feature which was done as experimental film about the Creation of the World. The second story is an action short by Dorji Galsanov about problems and understanding between two friends. The third one from Anton Bilzho, a teaser for upcoming thriller, is about love to invisible creature. And the fourth story by Anton Sokolov is about love to aliens - a logical final of all parts.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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