Osthir Somoy Shostir Golpo: Hotel Albatross_peliplat
Osthir Somoy Shostir Golpo: Hotel Albatross_peliplat

Osthir Somoy Shostir Golpo: Hotel Albatross (2017)

None | Bangladesh | Bengali | 36 min
Directed by: Nuhash Humayun

Tanim, an arrogant chef, regularly puts his coworkers' reputations at risk for his carelessness. Sohel is an over-obedient employee, while Ovi is an iPad junkie. While Kibria Kabir, the internationally acclaimed head chef of the hotel, constantly scolds them for carelessness, misdemeanors and not meeting his expectations. In a sudden hostage situation in the hotel, the 4 chefs have to work out their differences. While Tanim keeps pressuring others to follow the 'an eye for an eye' strategy, Kibria influences everyone to do the right thing. Sohel tries to escape at one point, only to get captured and have a horrible demise. An extremist associate staff, in the end, comes for the culprit for the terrorist 'guests' finding a hair on the dish. Kibria takes the fall saving his subordinates.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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